Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......


Showing 50 responses by celander

All of you forum posters agreed to abide by the forum owner’s policies, including the implicit (if not explicit) policy not to complain bitterly when the owner decides for whatever whim or reason to yank the proverbial rug from underneath you. This is not a “free speech” forum. You are “moderated” after all.
Their website is offline (“currently suspended”). Does not sound good.
Corepowertech wrote the following on 6-03-2018: 

“I will have much more to say this week – but suffice to say I am personally not at all pleased with myself and the state of affairs over these last 90 days.”

It is now “next” week, so I guess Mark has much, much more to say about all of this.  
I am sorry for my previous rant, which the moderators felt was over-the-top. (That is, they removed my post.)

I have been screwed by high-end manufacturers and audio dealers over the years, though none of that occurred on Audiogon nor indirectly with unscrupulous manufacturers and dealers who communicate with consumers on Audiogon forums.

In my experience, when a manufacturer or dealer fails to honor a basic promise, pledge or warranty, there’s is really nothing one can do. I once attempted to take one Michigan audio dealer to task with the Iowa State Attorney’s Office on Consumer Protection when I lived in Des Moines during my college years. My contact there (face-to-face meeting) was pretty much a waste of time and did nothing.
I recognize the value of a group of disgruntled consumers venting about their collective, negative, experiences with a common manufacturer. Group cathartic discussions can bring some benefit to those affected, though not necessarily in the form of pocketbook refunds nor products delivered.

There is no reason why consumers adversely affected by the actions of one or two bad apples should continue to be teased with the prospect that just compensation is on the horizon. The potential danger of having manufacturers contribute consumer forums, wherein promises made appear suspect at best or illusory at worse, is something that moderators should be mindful of and attempt to curb.

I stand by my previous suggestion that this thread should be closed to new postings (but not removed for obvious reasons of relevant content). But of late, much of what is posted here on this thread has nothing to do with the original intent of thread, namely "Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord(s)?"
There are other ways where those adversely affected by this one manufacturer can communicate together about these issues. I encourage the moderators to offer a pathway for that purpose.

The moderators did not delete the other relevant thread that is sort of on topic with the possible future of these products. I erred to suggest otherwise. So maybe much of what is discussed here can be picked up there.

Just my two cents worth and a gentle suggestion to the powers that be.

I agree with what @con1150 suggested. Need to file the complaint with the state AG office having jurisdiction over the company, which would be Colorado. This is likely where I erred in the past by going after that Michigan audio dealer via the Iowa AG office on consumer fraud and protection. 
@sfseay One really can’t trash anyone on this forum without the moderators stepping in to remove the posts. 
Hmmm...Mark’s lawyer should have advised Mark that he cannot ask another to do a posting that Mark, himself, cannot do.

And Mark’s offer to continue to sell CPT “NOS” products on Audiogon really does not sound proper in the very least. It appears to avoid or circumvent Audiogon’s policies regarding listing products for sale, to the extent Mark is soliciting sales offers via klh007’s post. 
@debjit_g. Go ahead. Let us know when you get the product and your thoughts about it!
There is substantial duplication between this thread and the thread in the “misc audio section of the forum.

See: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/core-power-technologies

Folks should pick one thread and post only once.
And maybe the very nice lady from cptstatus@outlook.com took another summer holiday.

My point is that a myriad of legitimate reasons might exist for the lack of responsiveness from Mark.
I’m not sure why @klh007 even makes posts of behalf of CPT (Mark). Why doesn’t Mark publish his own posts? Did Mark get banned from Audiogon? 
I respect and admire those customers who invested in CPT (prepaying for a promised future product = investing).  It’s tough being a loyal supporter of a company having gone awry. Best of luck securing just compensation. 
Well, most, if not all, of the customers who prepaid for the CPT Deep Core product were customers who had previously purchased other CPT products and were happy CPT customers. CPT earned their customer loyalty over the years based upon those successful products. And the “gone awry” event appears directed to only the failed delivery of their Deep Core products.
If @sfseay even read my contributions to this thread, then perhaps he would not be so mean-spirited. 
@amg56 Much to my surprise, Mark posted about an hour after my query about CPT being potentially banned from the forum. Read up a bit a few posts on this page. He posted sometime on August 4th. He previously had Kemper post responses on his behalf.

I know nothing about CPTstatus progress. I have no skin (lost funds) in the game due to the Deep Core debacle. So I’m not one to get any news. I hope you get your $$ back. I’m a supporter of you and others in a similar situation. 
I’ve read elsewhere in another CPT-related thread that some report smooth transactions regarding the available NOS products on the main A’gon site. Have others had similar results?
@chazzzy007 You make a good point. @amg56 has so much skin in the game, and he’s in Australia or New Zealand to boot. Not clear why they can’t ship everything except the DC product to him. 
@chazzzy007 I don't know what threads were removed germane to this discussion. If the moderators removed them, then they likely have a good reason. But the OP can also delete a thread.  I’m not sure the moderators would over-ride a decision that an OP made. 
@acaman I debated which term to use (new old stock [NOS], new stock, current stock) as the company wasn’t exactly doing business as usual. Sorry for the confusion, though you figured it out.

@hifipassion I’m glad that went smoothly. I had an opportunity to get a B-sock unit from Mark that he listed on the A’gon. Missed it before the ad expired. 

I think CPT is sadly mistaken if they think they can simply ignore customers located halfway around the world. 
Just catching up on this thread. Despite the promises made here, I’m sad to conclude they appear nothing more than a total scam. The apparent delays of the offers and alleged close are the tells. I hope I’m proved wrong. But that’s my take from my 10,000 ft perch.
@corepowertech I’m frankly disappointed in your conduct here. You ought not lead folks into believing a follow-on company shall arise with offering new and seemingly advanced products of designs for which you would have no apparent ongoing interest, given the history of this thread. It’s suspect enough that any company will arise to cover the outstanding orders already placed. To add the hopeful prospect of yet new products seems a stretch of credibility. More importantly, it’s not for you to comment about it. Leave it to the new company to do it, whenever that might occur.

And these veiled legal threats of going after folks who challenge your business practices are beyond comment. The “very best money” you could spend is simply repaying those to whom you owe money.

Folks who are owed refunds or products should consult the Colorado Stste Office of Consumer Affairs to ascertain their full rights. Statutes of limitations are likely in play.
I’ve bought new (and still own) some of the AA gear. Good stuff. I guess I obtained them while AA was solvent.
I for one would be interested in the continuation of the CPT products under a new company’s leadership. Dan Wright would have been a great choice, but that deal fell apart. I don’t think that folks are rejecting CPT products based upon their lack of quality. In fact, it’s just the opposite, as this thread aptly attests. Rather, it’s the qualities of CPT’s principal that have created a stir. It’s unfortunate that focus has shifted away from the products themselves.

So I am optimistic that the new principals will soon reveal their ownership of these CPT product designs and announcement of their release schedule in the next couple days. Clearly, their voice, their message is far more important than anything put forward from the former CPT principal. I hope we don’t have to hear from him again on this or any other thread pertaining to CPT products. Just doesn’t serve the public interest, IMO.
Colorado Consumer Protection Act Statute of Limitations.
All actions brought under this article must be commenced within three years after the date on which the false, misleading, or deceptive act or practice occurred or the date on which the last in a series of such acts or practices occurred or within three years after the consumer discovered or in the exercise of reasonable diligence should have discovered the occurrence of the false, misleading, or deceptive act or practice. The period of limitation provided in this section may be extended for a period of one year if the plaintiff proves that failure to timely commence the action was caused by the defendant engaging in conduct calculated to induce the plaintiff to refrain from or postpone the commencement of the action.
See C.R.S. § 6-1-115.

@audpulse Sorry to hear this news. I know it comes from the heart. Your anger is palpable. Good luck.
I am curious whether the new company who bought the CPT outfit has privately contacted any of you who are owed CPT product or refunds. 
Well, folks should maintain accurate records and correspondence from CPT about their transactions. That includes taking screenshots of relevant CPT posts from this thread and any related CPT threads (recall there is one in the Misc. Audio directory). Do so before those posts become mysteriously removed. I also posted the Colorado State Attorney General’s website info on this thread. 
Note this “updating” post is more of the same as before. To wit:
1. A promise of a new ownership group;
2. The alleged “close” is date uncertain (usually term sheets specify a “close no later than date X” rather than “close as early as date Y”); and
3. More apologies. 

It is a familiar, broken record. 
To be fair, the three new items of the CPT post are: (a) the front company (which is a real outfit); a new contact email address (though I personally don’t know if it works); and Kemper’s involvement.

I would hope Kemper has the integrity to move forward with communications on behalf of the undisclosed group of investors so folks here know what is going on. 
Recall that Monday was the Earliest date for the CPT close. The Second Coming may readily occur before the CPT close. 

The CPT owner is selling off product inventory via one of his relatives. CPT is not going to be fulfilling any promises of product or refunds. That task has been assigned to the new entity who is buying the CPT assets, IP and brand. Don’t hold your breath for that to occur.

Kemper (klh007) is the front man for the investor group. He should step up and speak as to the status of the new owners and their commitment to rectifying past issues. 
Because Kemper sold his soul to the devil. He’s being compensated for his new status, according to Mark’s last post. 
Tuffy, I was thinking the same thing. Where is Mark’s update about the sale? Kemper threw CPT under the bus in his last post. Doesn’t Mark have the decency to defend his defunct company? 

Mark: come out, come out, wherever you are. 

I posted the Colorado State Attorney General info in a post of this thread. I recommend someone local in the US contact them for guidance. Please share here. 
Stereo5, MS is beginning a new venture by starting an online audio equipment review publication.
And Mark’s patent “so long, sucker!” tell is that “My apologies” line. 
If one pays for an “arms-length” transaction (that is, not friends and family) via PayPal, then PayPal will charge a fee for the transaction. I believe PayPal will cover one’s losses or otherwise places a release-hold on the funds until the transaction is complete. The fee doesn’t apply to a transaction involving friends and family, so PayPal won’t place a release-hold on the funds. It also means one is SOL if the alleged “friend or family” reneges on the transaction.
Who isn’t ill in that clan? Frankly, I hope we never hear from them again. 
Maybe the administrators finally banned posts from CPT (Mark). That would explain the absence of posts. 
I posted a thread regarding contact info for the Colorado State Attorney General’s Office of consumer protection.