Do you work for Mark?
As I said on the other similar thread. I have not received any info about the Deep Core. Still waiting to see if it will happen...
Everyday I look out my door for delivery of the Deep Core and all I see is tumble weeds... And I live in Michigan!
ozzy |
Seems that everytime I post to one of these threads it gets deleted and then the thread soon disappears! Come on Audiogon this is the USA.
I actually wonder if Dan will complete the Deep Core. I did read what Mark posted previously. But, has there been a finished working Deep Core unit that does indeed improve sound quality? Or is it still in the idea stage?
So is there a workable, sound enhancing, Deep Core unit? Or is it still in the development stage?
I think I hear some crickets... And perhaps I see a tumble weed rolling by....
Sorry, only kidding but it is sad. ozzy
All that needs to be found is the source for the transformer that is used inside the 1800. The rest of the CPT box is just daisy chain wiring to inexpensive outs and inlet. I'm still searchin'.
Yes, after the new (used) Focal’s sat in the cold for about a week due to trucking screw ups. I slipped the truck driver some holiday cash and he helped this old man get them down the steps. They weigh about 125 lbs each.
The Focal Sopra 2’s speakers at first listen sound really good with surprising good bass. I almost don’t need my subwoofers. I am also quite surprised at the dynamics and sensitivity of these speakers. I now have the volume on my preamp set at half the amount that the Carver ALS speakers required for the same sound level. I am still using the Carvers Raven 350 mono block amps.
I also purchased the IsoAcoutics GAIA 1 footers/carpet spikes.
Mark didn't specify which Friday or for that matter which year...
If Exogal is only buying the assets there can’t be much of that. Hasn’t Mark sold everything that he had. Isn’t that why he could not supply the products? That also means refunds owed would still be up to Mark...
And, I was one of the original’s that tried the Deep Core V1 & V2 and it blew up both times! It was not a viable product. How can that now be an asset?
You know we think that the CPT 1800 is such a great design. And for what it does it is great. But many important design choices were made so it could be built as cheap as possible.
If Exogel purchased the design then here is what they bought. Inside the unit is a very cheap breaker ($1.50 at Parts Express, along with the IEC). The outlets (at about $2 each at Home Depot). The wiring is daisy chained from outlet to outlet. Which means that the last outlet is getting power from whatever is left over.
The transformer used is the claim to fame. If we could find that transformer the rest of the parts would add up to under $50 total! The case is overkill to give the impression of weight.
I went ahead and eliminated the breaker, and daisy chain wiring with high quality 12 gauge wire directly from the transformer. I also replaced the outlets and inlet with Furutech GTX Nano’s.
And... the Deep Core design NEVER worked!
bander, yoby,
I used Military spec 12 gauge silver/copper stranded wiring. I purchased around 100 feet in different colors a few years back off of eBay. I also used Furutech nano liquid on all the connections.
And yes, all in all it was a huge upgrade in sound quality. I have my 2 mono block tube amps now plugged into it along with other pieces of equipment. The amps used to sound better plugged directly into the wall but since the mod they sound way better plugged into the revised 1800.
Remember its only as good as the weakest link...
I have tried the Waco version.
Your right! I did mean to say Wago. Thanks.
I have a friend who did solder all of the connections together. Wow! (5) 12 gauge wires in one bundle then 2 more bundles. But he was able to do it.
How did you terminate the wires?
If you install Furutech NCF outlets you must remove the screw cover and grind down the plastic posts a little for them to fit inside the 1800 outlet openings.
The only problem I had was when I removed the switch/iec combo and replaced it with the Furutech inlet I had to use a PVC black filler piece to cover the gap due to the difference in sizes. But the Inlet mounted fine.
Posted 2 pictures on my ozzy system page. The picture of the outside of the unit was taken before I replaced the inlet to a Furutech NCF.
No breaker, switch, or fuse is used. Wiring is 12 gauge Military spec silver/copper and the Wago connectors. Not in the picture frame is one more set of black wires that go to another Wago connector along with the orange wire with black tape on it. The tape is for color coding.
Well thanks to an Audiogonner I was able to compare the Chinese version to the CPT 300 and CPT 1800. For this review, I will refer to the new balanced supplied unit as the “Chinese” unit when compared to the CPT balanced units. (Which are probably Chinese made transformers). Visual appearance: The first view of this unit is that it is a very well-made, heavy, black, aluminum unit that looks very attractive in my audiophile opinion. The front of the unit has a nice power on button that turns blue when on. And on the back, there is an IEC inlet and 2 double outlets both made by an unfamiliar Chinese brand. Internally, there is a resettable fuse/ circuit breaker along with some substantial wire with a nicely laid out design. Albeit the outlets are daisy chained together (as are the CPT units). First listen, with the Chinese unit replacing the CPT 300. Note: This unit will be powering my low power, mostly digital components that are on a separate dedicated line. I was surprised at how close the Chinese unit sounded to the CPT 300. But there was a slight harshness that could be contributed to burn in. Replacing the CPT 1800 (which is also on its own dedicated line) with the Chinese unit: Now, my CPT 1800 has had Furutech outlets and inlet and higher-grade wiring installed. So, it is not a far comparison to a stock CPT 1800 unit. I used the Chinese unit with a preamp and a couple of tube mono blocks plugged into it. With this configuration, the music sounded harsh but also sounded like it was straining. I was surprised that it powered the amps at all. Too much current draw for this unit. My conclusion is based on a very short play time with the Chinese unit which had ZERO hours on it compared to a well broken in CPT units. I believe with more burn in time it should get better and compete nicely with the CPT 300. However, it doesn’t have enough transformer power to power adequately higher draw amplifiers. So, keep the power draw low 200- 500 watts. ozzy |
Will the the Deep Core ever see the light of day? I doubt it. So that leaves the CPT balanced power. I am sure a suitable substitute transformer can be found. The rest is up to us DIYers.
Walter that is good news. You should think about eliminating the daisy chain wiring, the cheap breaker and switch combo and go directly from the transformer to higher quality outlets. It does make a difference.
It still hasn’t happened yet...but I hope you do too!
In referenece to the "home run’, how did you connect the outlets to the transformer? I used 5 way Wago connectors, but I would like to eliminate those too!
CPT 1800 Question:
Has anyone used a Audioquest Niagara 5000 after the CPT 1800? If so, did it improve sound quality further?
More to my question above. Does anyone use any type of power conditioner after the CPT? Or, should the CPT be plugged into the power conditioner?
Thanks for the reply. The CPT 1800 is a balanced transformer that does condition the sound quality by its design. My question is, has anyone tried plugging any other type of power conditioner into the 1800 and then plugging your equipment into that conditioner. Sorta like using the CPT 1800 as a pre conditioner.
Thanks for that information. With balanced power I was wondering what effect it would have on a power conditioner.
So if I was to use a conditioner (I’m thinking of the Audioquest Niagara 5000) it should be plugged into the CPT 1800?
I just listed my highly upgraded CPT 1800 for sale here on Audiogon if anyone is interested.
So, I wasn't sure why my ad for the CPT 1800 was not getting offers. I get it that I priced it higher than the original sold for. But, I was offering the unit with 4 Furutech GTX-R NCF outlets! I dunno this surprised me.
So, now I reinstalled the original outlets and lowered the price significantly. Still keeping in tact the other upgrades.
I really do like the CPT 1800 but I found that the Audioquest Niagara 7000 more to my liking. It has 12 outlets and can power my amps with ease. However, it costs 4 times as much as the CPT 1800.
I'm going this year! Hope to see some of you there!
I sold my Deep Core and the 1800. Ended up buying a used Audioquest Niagara 7000. Way more dynamic and enjoyable.
Well I bought the Niagara 7000 for 1/2 off used and I think the 5000 version can be bought for about $2500 used.