Has anyone tried out new Mapleshade speaker wires

Has any one tried out the new Mapleshade speaker wires? and if so what is you listening impressions? as their pricing is quite reasonable and how do the PLUS versions sound? I know Mapleshade recommends single wiring but my speakers are at their best bi-wired as they should be. The community's help would be welcome.

Showing 2 responses by kwkwsr1000

I've had the golden helix in my system for a couple of years, and found it to out perform all of my cables costing thousand of dollars more. Now I'm using thier mikro mega planar five speaker wires and ebony interconnects. The soundstaging, speed, low level detail is unbelievable. The low level detali is so outstanding that I'm selling my Jm lab sub be. A $6000.00 1000 watt active digital subwoofer. Thats how good the stuff is. music lovers, YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK!!!
I'm now using mapleshade's mikro mega planar v speaker wires. they are very fast, music sounds alot more live, extremly bettered bass aticulation. associated cables are mikro mega ebony interconects.