Thanks for the responses! I'm not sure about the Vandy 4A's specifically, but it seems that I recall the Vandy's being somewhat inefficient, as are my 10t's. I suppose I came upon this configuration idea as a way to help insure that I could feed them all the current they might want via the transistor amps and let the tubes provide the magic. I've not yet used tubes, but I get the impression that most of tube amps with enough power to handle an inefficient speaker will either require more maintenance than I care to get involved with or simply cost too much for my budget. BTW, my 980's have an input sensitivity/impedance of 1V/33kohms. I don't know how this compares to most tube amps as I have not studied them intensively yet, however this does not seem to be unusual.
Has anyone mixed SS and tube amps in one system?
I am currently driving my aerial 10ts with a pair of Rotel rb980-bx amps, 125 wpc 80amps max., in a horizontal configuration. I have to say that given the low cost of these amps, the sound stage is pretty good. However, I am looking to open up the music even more. (I listen to alot of vinyl these days, mostly rock but some jazz, and I will be adding a tube phono stage soon that will help my quest for more staging.) My idea is to perhaps use these amps in monoblock (250wpc) config to drive each of the woofers and use a tube amp of about 100 to 150 wpc to drive the mids and high's. Would this pose a problem with matching amps, etc.? Should I look for another solution?