Has anyone installed Surge Protection at AC panel?

I am finishing a new room and I would like to know the exact brand and model name of a surge protection device that installs directly to AC wiring before it comes in your home. Are they special breakers or a complete special unit? I will have a dedicated 50 amp panel just outside the room. I want to install such a protection device because I plan on connecting some of my components directly to the wall receptacle. Thanks for advice and help.

Showing 1 response by elevick

I put in a 200amp unit for my whole house. It definitely works. I've never blown a power strip/fuse/surge protector since. The unit cost about $400 and took the electrician 1/2 day to install. It's worth it.

It still will not prevent spike within each circuit. You will still want a line conditioner for your system to clean up the little stuff.