Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?

I watched a YouTube of Robyn of Robyatt Audio. 
A long standing Quad 57 man, he has taken the ESS rebuild to the max now with a new, fairly extreme wooden frame. 
Very interesting that in this video he abandons his push of the Quads and now raves about the new Klipschhorns. Even saying that they are the best speaker regardless of price!

The new KHs are now in much improved enclosures with sealed backs making them now best away from corners into the room. But what about the sharp, honking sound of the horns? But for a diehard Quad guy to now say that the new KHs are better than the $100K+…? I was also a diehard Quad guy until I decided that I wanted bass and treble, and most of all, dynamics! There is no question that the KHs are that. I never owned KHs but did once have Heresys. I will never forget that blaring tweeter!


Showing 2 responses by russ69

you had just misspelled Avantgarde.

I guess I did but I can't fix it now. 

The KH has a distinct presentation. On some music it’s so very very close to a live sound, it’s almost better than being there. At other times it might just be too much of a good thing. But there is no denying these speakers have stood the test of time.

EDIT: The big Aventguard speakers might be a little more laid back and pleasing to more people...