has anyone heard the de-capos.

i have 805n's. i near field listen approx 7ft equilateral triangle. have tried everything in the attempt to get the speakers to disappear. it ain't happening. i want what all of us nuts want, depth,stage etc..... equipment is as follows : bc-3 pre, quicksilver silver 60's with every combo of tubes allowed, euridia speakers, 805n's, audio magic cables, wadia transport, wadia 15 dac, pv8 pre, and pv5. speakers are 5ft from front wall, 2ft from side walls.
thinking about the de-capo's
thanks, tim

Showing 1 response by racers

I have the de capos. I am not familiar with your equipment, so cannot accurately address your situation. I will say, however, that the MM's are still improving after about a year. They are capable of revealing the difference in every upgrade/change I have made. Do they disappear? Yes. One of the most incredible speakers I have heard both at home and at the shows. If one of "our own" produced them, they would be twice+ the price and in every home.
You may try crossing your current speakers in front of you, just to see what happens. This sometimes works when nothing else will. No, I don't listen this way, but I know it has produced good results in some situations. Best, Roger