Has anyone heard of Volti Audio?

Hello. I was wondering if anyone had heard of Volti Audio?
I am going to be received my pair soon and was wondering if anyone has heard these? I have read nothing but wonderful things about Volti Audio and its owner Greg Roberts. I hope they sound as good as they look.

Showing 2 responses by pops

@Mmattera I agree, I heard that system also at Capfest and it was spectacular....I thought Classic Audio speakers were interesting also driven by Atmashpere and Allnic....and PAD. What tonality and presence...blew me away on saturday so I had to come back for more on Sunday.

Enormous speakers, once you put those in there is no going back!
Phaelon you are right! I wonder how big a room you need? I was most impressed by the Hartfields - the big ones on the end (although they were all big). That was the closest I have heard to live music from a loudspeaker!