Oh Ok , I will get back to you guy's about it,may purchase it jusk for a conversation piece in the audio man cave, starting to get the vinyl back on the table,will report back to you guy's.
OK ,there seams to be a new gimmick turntable on the market, it reminds me of the old linear tracking turntable days,is it all show and no go or is it like coke the real thing. I saw one on youtube, but was wondering if it had the sonics that a good quality table possess,does anyone out there in Audiogon land have one? and if so is it worth the $300.00 dollors. what type of cartridge doe's it use? and is the tone arm a good one,i understand that you can adjust the spring that holds the tonearm to use different cartridges, it also has speakers in the base of the unit,how do they sound, can you play 45's on it? or should I save up for one of those $10,000 dollor turntables, that within a year or so the manufacturer will not support or the company when't out of business or was purchased by another audio company.