Has anyone heard a Gryphon S-100?

I own a Gryphon Tabu integrated and love it. I am considering a S-100 but I can not find one review. Any opinions would be appriciated. I am also considering a Callisto 2200.
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Showing 2 responses by detlof

Rcprince is right on the money. I am very familiar with the sound of it and it is just as he says. Sculls hatchetjob of it may have had to do with the fact, that HP liked it, although he never really reviewed it. It also throws a very wide and deep soundstage, is pretty neutral and it is built like a battleship.
If there was a review in Stereophile it must have been in the ninetees, when Gryphon had distribution in the US. I recall, that HP of Tas referred to the 100 favourably, but there was no actual review.