Has anyone had success converting friends?

As many times as I invite friends over to listen to my stereo and explain to them the virtues of a great system, none of them ever catch the bug. All of them are extremely passionate about music and are intrigued by my set-up, none of them ever go out and buy good stuff. This is frustrating. I see them spend money on a bunch of other things, but never good audio. I have been unsuccessful at converting one single person to the audiophile bug.

Showing 1 response by roxy54

No, not really. My best friend was interested in a half-hearted way when we were younger, and he didn't have kids yet. He still listens to music while he does other things, but he couldn't care less about the equipment any more. As far as other friends and aquaintances go, they think that I am a crazy spendthrift who is obsessed with this "stuff". I also find that many other people who learn of my interest think that the purpose of a high end system is to listen to music at loud volumes. I get this all of the time.