Has anyone had on of these CD players? How good are they?

Are the older Sony CD players very good? Even as just a transport paired with a good/great DAC?


Your thoughts?

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In the last 2 years I had 2 cd player laser mechanisms die; Pioneer PD 65  and Marantz HD CD -1. In both cases mechanisms were no longer available through the manufacturers. I managed to run down a mechanism for the HD-CD 1 BUT is was $150 + shipping from asia. I got super lucky and bought a Audiolab CDT 6000 from a guy who had 2, and sold it super cheap, including shipping. Give it both a high quality coax cable and power cord and it's a shocker. If you do regular searches you can find one for ~ $400-450


Another Audiolab 6000CDT fan. Got mine a couple months ago as an open box for right around $525 shipped IIRC. Impressed immediately and well built. Just installed a better power cord.

Highly recommended for the $$.

I use a Kenwood CD player from 1987, through my Mac. It works well and sounds great!  

Read reputable reviews!    Oppo 83SE, still strong with Schitt DC, although largely unnecessary. Vintage Linn....like buying a used Rolls Royce. 

I have both a Sony XA7ES and a Sony XA20es I found a NOS laser on eBay a few years back, so I have a backup.

They sound so amazing I just use them as stand alone units. The balance puck on the XA7ES is twice the size as the one on the XA20es. And they seem to be magnetic as well.