Has anyone gone from Tannoy to Zu Audio?


I'm a Tannoy Legacy Eaton owner who is wondering if the step to Zu Audio DW6 is to big for me.
I really like my Tannoys, but they are a little veild and a little too laidback.
I have a 12w tube amp and the sensitivity of the Tannoys is just at 89 dB.
I usually listen at low volume, which is also not the Tannoy Legacy Eaton's strong point.

So, anyone here that has taken this step? Was is an evolution, a revoulution or...?


Showing 1 response by jtcf

I moved from Harbeths to Zus.The Harbeths were smooth as silk but left me craving dynamics. Now I've got 'em :-) They can sound harsh until you find the perfect position for them. It took me literally weeks to get them exactly right.I loved the live sound immediately but don't want to feel I'm right in front of the stage.Section B instead of section A up front if that makes sense.