Has anyone gone from Tannoy to Zu Audio?


I'm a Tannoy Legacy Eaton owner who is wondering if the step to Zu Audio DW6 is to big for me.
I really like my Tannoys, but they are a little veild and a little too laidback.
I have a 12w tube amp and the sensitivity of the Tannoys is just at 89 dB.
I usually listen at low volume, which is also not the Tannoy Legacy Eaton's strong point.

So, anyone here that has taken this step? Was is an evolution, a revoulution or...?


Showing 1 response by jond

I’d say definitely try some different amps with your Tannoy’s if you really do like them it’s worth it. If you want new speakers someone suggested Volti that’s a great though. Their Rivals would be a bit above your budget but not the Razz.

Just saw your post that you're in Sweden have you considered Audio Note? A pair of AN-E's might do it for you and can probably be found used in your price range.