Has anyone finally decided to sell their Turntable and Vinyl collection?

It Maybe a little strange to ask this question here since clearly this is a forum for folks still loving and using Vinyl.
So I am looking for some feedback from folks that play very little of their LPs these days and have decided to sell all of it (or already have). I have thought about it for years seems like a hassle trying to sell your TT and or your record collection, that is mainly why mine stays put (not because I use it).

Anyway if you have sold - (Not if you’re keeping it forever)

Have you regretted it?
Or is to nice to reduce the clutter and happily move on?

Some people would never sell their analog rig and collection, I get that.


Showing 1 response by millercarbon

I sold almost all of mine. Actually gave away is more like it. Believe it or not but back then everyone believed CD was "perfect sound forever" not disposable crap with the half-life of a floppy disk. For sentimental reasons I held onto a small number of LPs and my Technics SL-1700. Which all sat in a box for years until this Robert Harley guy planted a bug in my ear and got me motivated to dig out the box and give those records a spin. Was floored how such an old relic could sound better than a newer and much more expensive CD player.

Regrets? No idea if you will have regrets. Probably you yourself have no idea whether you will live to regret it. Dumping irreplaceable recordings. Who knows? But if you do, then whatever you do, do not under any circumstances go to BetterRecords.com and discover just how much some of those oldies might be worth and how good they might sound if only you could play and listen to them. Which you can't. Because you gave them away.