Has anyone compared trivista to kw integrated

There have been other people to ask this, but I ahve yet to here anyone who actually compared them. B Anyone who has heard both. By the way what sick compulsion drives me to want to replace a component tha t I love? I mean its not like I can say that I hear any deficiencies with trivista. I don't do this with anything else(car, house, watch, wife) But with audio you always wonder.

Showing 1 response by brianmgrarcom

If you guys are happy with the Tri-Vista, just enjoy the tunes and don't fuss with things; easy to say I know.

That said, TAS reviewed the kW500, issue 152, and prefered it to the Tri-Vista.

[url=http://www.theabsolutesound.com/newsletter/152/musical_fidelity.html]TAS Review[/url]