Trelja: This doesn't quite relate to your question (sorry), but just thought I'd mention, I got the MSB Link DAC III (not full nelson) with Monolithic power supply last week, and have been burning it in. I have noticed zero difference compared to listing direct through my Pioneer DV-09 so far. You may remember I used a Bel Canto DAC1 before this, which in the end did make a diference (subtly more polite and less edgey but also less exciting), but still the difference was not necessarily an improvement. I'm getting the upsampling kit for the DAC III this week, so that may make a difference, but overall I'm disappointed, and may consider selling the DAC pretty soon. I'm thinking I'm devote my future upgrade dollars to the amps and speakers area - at least till SACD or DVD-A gets traction. Incidentally I did hear from another audiogon post that a dealer had mentioned that the Full Nelson upgrade was not worth it, and that one couldn't any differenc the Full Nelson upgrade made - that's why I didn't consider the upgrade - its expensive too. Whaterver you decide, good luck with your choice!