Has anyone compared the MSB DAC's

Just a request for opinions on how the MSB Link DAC III w/Full Nelson upgrade compares to the MSB Gold Link. If you could give me your impressions, pros/cons, recommendations, and anything else you care to offer, I would be very much appreciative. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by audiomax

The MSB Link DAC III is good for what it does at $399. When compared the Link DAC III to other expensive DACs for example, Bel Canto DAC1 ($995), Odeon lite ($975),I found it is less smooth and rough sounding at the frequency extremes. It tends to sound forward and sterile compared to the CD players that I'm familiar with (Audio Analog, Primare,etc,) but then these players cost triple the Link DAC's price. You definitely want to get the Upsamplit Kit to improve the sound further.