Thanks for the extensive explanations of digital audio and references @thespeakerdude
Can we now summarize (are we there yet?) and identify general principles that help shape the differences between these two formats. I’m not interested in which one is better, as judgments are too system and context as well as music and preferences dependent.
Rather, can we draw conclusions about their differences that are more or less general or specific conclusions (about dynamics, freq range, noise and noise floor, PRAT, mid or high freq airiness and so on or our hearing preferences, sensitivities and limits) that shed light on common experiences?
I just watched Paul at PS Audio say how what MOFI was doing recording using DSD was in his view the right way to record and preserve masters in digital and then transfer onto vinyl for playback. Is vinyl playback giving anything different to digital playback from the same master copy?
[MOFI Marketing representations aside. I don’t want to touch the Marcoms involved here in this discussion.]