Has anyone answered the real question?

First, I want to say that the white-outfitted guys are at my front door. Second, these people(Ori, or Oritek Audio, Alex, of APL Hi-Fi, and Nuforce-I also have to mention Signal Cable and Mapleshade.) have led me to this situation. Does anybody have a strategy against what plays through your head, when you are away from your system? Believe it or not, this is what has preoccupied me for awhile. Does anyone, anywhere relate to this? If so, can you give me some kind of strategy here?

Showing 1 response by kennyt


Know what you mean, I seem to get one random song stuck in my head on most long bike rides as well!!! Only bothers me when it's something stupid as I seem to be stuck with it for a while... Often times it's just one part of a soung that seems to repeat throughout the ride. I have tried thinking of other music, but it rarely works.

If I'm lucky, it's something aggressive, Tool was stuck in my head a couple rides ago.... made the hills less painful!!!
