Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?

There are a lot clones coming out of China and power amplifiers seem to be along for the ride.
Mark Levinson, Goldmund, and Accuphase are some of the big names I see replica’s being advertised for sale. These replica’s range in price from $500-$2000. My curiosity every time I see these always is do they even sound like the brand they are trying copy? Another thought that comes to my mind when I see them is, are they even safe or reliable. I myself wouldn’t touch one of these, but that’s me. Has anybody heard one? If so it would be interesting to hear some opinions regarding these amplifiers.

Showing 1 response by autospec

There are people that buy Prima-Luna amps and pay good money for them, whats the difference ??  I have people send me amps to repair all the time from Chinese manufacturers, try to get a on-off switch or a knob or any help with diagrams.....I tried to repair a very popular Chinese amp not long ago and couldn't get a diagram or any help what so ever.....So I've decided to not repair any non-American amps.......So when you buy a Prima-Luna amp make friends with Kevin , he might fix it for you.........W