Has any of you tried this for Cartridge break in

I unfortunately broke off the stylus of my cartridge. Mr Mehran has another on the way. My question is using a LP like On the Threshold of a Dream that has endless grooves at the end with music a good choice. I am going to try a ATMOS in place of my UNIverse on trial. Its going to be new and i want to get as much time on it as possible before i have to make a decision. Has any of you used this method for cartridge break in.
Also if any of you are using ATMOS let me no your thoughts.

I know most will want to know how this happened. For evacuation for Gustav i brought all of my system except my speakers. When we got back after a major cleanup i started putting my system back together. The turntable was last as its the most work. I had my Tri planar boxed with UNIverse still mounted. I installed the arm and noticed that the mono filament string that adjusts skating was off. Finding and replacing it i forgot to lock the arm down and the rest is history.

Showing 1 response by audiofeil

Most cartridge suspensions are fully broken in at 50 hours give or take a few on either side.

Just play music.

I blew out a Zyx Universe stylus a few years ago. Remarkably a friend of mine did the very same thing on the next day.
