Hardy cartridge

Being a klutz, I keep destroying the stylus on my ADC XLM II. It is in a low mass Magnepan Unitrac in my 'B' system.
Thinking about all the abuse DJs give their styli. Is there anything rugged but decent sounding of highish compliance I might want?
Classical and Jazz.

Showing 1 response by kennyc

Getting memories of old automatic turntables that automatically cued the tonearm to the beginning, automatically reset at the end, and allowed stacking to automatically feed next record. IIRC it was a GE Trimline record player. The amount of vinyl abuse back then would make us cringe today.
Apologies a bit off topic.

What you need is a “cueing lever” that lowers and raises the tonearm.  They come in various sizes/heights so check if meets your needs.
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