Hardware or source materail

Hello –

The following is for context.

I am an old guy. I grew up in the days a Mac 225, AR3a, EPI, Phase Linear. I have only recently stopped working full time so I bought the following for my small office listening area, about 12x12.

Debut Carbon/Ortofon Blue


Denon 600NE


B&W 8” 300 watt Sub (sealed)

I mostly listen to orchestral, Steely Dan, Miles, Brubeck, Krall, Botti – you get the idea. I also am season holder for LA Phil and Hollywood Bowl so I know what “real” music sounds like.

My little system may not be to everyone’s taste but I find it fills my little space well.

Here is the quandary:

Like most, I am always thinking about the next “upgrade” for improved fidelity. Don’t need loud or to fill big space. However, I just purchased a half-speed (45 RPM) Brubeck and was absolutely astonished at the dynamic range and sound quality. I believe that what it is telling me is that with the right input the hardware I have is maximized.

Obviously, a $7K amp and equally expensive supporting components would be even better. But how much better? Is the investment in better source material a better use of funds? After all, that will always be available if the hardware is improved. You can buy a lot of $60-150 vinyl records (or CDs made from masters) for the 15 to $20K hardware cost.


Showing 1 response by inna

This is not a simple question to answer in general terms, if possible at all. My instinct says to first improve the source, this includes and can be the first step to get the best quality records/discs possible. Yes, your cartridge needs upgrading, you could also consider better outboard phono stage, your turntable is alright.

Personally, I always look for the best pressing when buying records. They are sometimes difficult to find in excellent condition and often not inexpensive. It is also not always easy to find out which pressing is best without directly comparing. And, do you clean records well, the difference can be night and day ?