Hardware or source materail

Hello –

The following is for context.

I am an old guy. I grew up in the days a Mac 225, AR3a, EPI, Phase Linear. I have only recently stopped working full time so I bought the following for my small office listening area, about 12x12.

Debut Carbon/Ortofon Blue


Denon 600NE


B&W 8” 300 watt Sub (sealed)

I mostly listen to orchestral, Steely Dan, Miles, Brubeck, Krall, Botti – you get the idea. I also am season holder for LA Phil and Hollywood Bowl so I know what “real” music sounds like.

My little system may not be to everyone’s taste but I find it fills my little space well.

Here is the quandary:

Like most, I am always thinking about the next “upgrade” for improved fidelity. Don’t need loud or to fill big space. However, I just purchased a half-speed (45 RPM) Brubeck and was absolutely astonished at the dynamic range and sound quality. I believe that what it is telling me is that with the right input the hardware I have is maximized.

Obviously, a $7K amp and equally expensive supporting components would be even better. But how much better? Is the investment in better source material a better use of funds? After all, that will always be available if the hardware is improved. You can buy a lot of $60-150 vinyl records (or CDs made from masters) for the 15 to $20K hardware cost.


Showing 1 response by 8th-note

I don't think that a new amp will give you the pleasure of buying collector quality source material. An audiophile record is a joyful thing and you get to repeat the experience with each new title you buy.

I have a digital desktop system with a Denon PMA 2000ivr and a pair of Polk bookshelf speakers. I also have a main system with large Thiel speakers and Krell amplification that includes a turntable. My little desktop system sounds amazingly good.

I've got a couple of suggestions that will leave you with plenty of money to buy nice records.

1) Your turntable is excelIent but think a cartridge upgrade along with a separate phono preamp would be the best bang for your buck. I can vouch for the Hana SL cartridge. I have this in my main system and it made a big difference for the better. It has received stellar reviews. Regarding a phono preamp, there are lots of choices and you don't have to spend a lot of money to get a good one (Music Direct has a bunch of them). The key feature to look for is the ability to adjust the impedance for MC cartridges. There are also lots of choices used. Your Denon is a good amp but the phono section is its weak spot.

2) I bought a Black Ice Foz SSX Soundstage Expander for my smaller system and I really like it. You can narrow or expand the soundstage and a separate control adds bass warmth. It made a significant positive difference and costs about $600.