Harbeth SHL5 for Shindo Montille?

How do you think? What kind of match would that be from technical or musical point of view? Worth to try?

Showing 3 responses by dave_b

You got to be kidding, right? Shindo is about as cultish as they come..the guy's a scatter brain with his designs. Buy today, changed design tommorrow...very hit or miss. 15 watts are a joke anyway for almost any speaker unless your one of those limp eared listeners who are offended by realistsic music levels.
For me, a Shostakovich Symphony demands to be played back at concert level (row 5-10). Even a trumpet played live can make your eardrums distort...it's crazy dynamic and visceral. Music is a living, breathing, aggressively seductive experience. Flea watt amps and limited range speakers do not serve the music IMHO.
I augmented the Maggies with 2 subs and found them to be more than capable with symphonic music. Dynamics at lower levels were not as good as with dynamic speakers. The main reason I changed speakers though was do to a repurposing of my den, so I moved to a smallish sitting room. It's all good at this level...sorry for the negativity. I just like to play loud sometimes and I find complex music needs lot's of power IMHO:O)