Harbeth M30.1+Luxman LX-380 & Audio Note AN-E/SPe Oto SE Sig

I recently auditioned Harbeth M30.1 & the new Luxman LX-380. The sound was heavenly. I also auditioned audio note AN-E/SPe , AN-J and Oto SE int. amp. The experience was very good too. It's a difficult choice to make and I am not able to make up my mind. Luxman LX-380 looks fabulous and is priced higher than Oto. For the AN system the cost is becoming more if I were to invest in SPx speaker wire. I am still thinking how to go about making a choice.  Also the AN dealer here is guiding me towards AN-E/SPe and not HE. He thinks the extra sensitivity is not worth the additional cost.

Does anyone here have any impressions about the above speaker/amp pairs? Would love to hear your opinions and suggestions. 

Congratulations on this acquisition and I believe that you'll be very happy with this decision. You re going to have beautiful music reproduction in your home.
I think if I get rid of the Volti's ( refrigerators), and move the speakers to the corners, I think I could talk my wife into the Sogon. 

Congratulations Writeface! 

Thank you Jond, Charles1dad, and acman3.

I cannot afford both (AN & Harbeth) now but I hope to save enough to buy a smaller Harbeth system next year. The trouble is I love both sounds and want to be able to experience it in my house. Keeping fingers crossed.

Jond and Charles1dad,

I was able to hear the ANJ-L/x hemp speakers at AXPONA and they sounded great. No thinness, really good bass and they were  natural and musical. They were, however, placed close to the wall/corners.

I have a pair on order and they will be in an all Audio Note System.
I think the paper drivers are the right choice for Jond given your setup. Mine will be able to be placed in the corners
Hi Irish,
I haven’t heard the hemp driver AN speaker , just recalling what I’ve read from a few listeners. I don’t doubt your listening impressions at all. Congratulations on your new speakers and all Audio Note system.