Harbeth HL5 vs M30

Ok boys, I can't audition either one...no dealer in site. I have owned compact 7es3, so I know the harbeth sound and I want it back, but with more resolution. I have read countless reviews, but I want your thoughts. Yeah I know, use the Harbeth user forum...not a member, this is easier. I will be using a big SS amp in a 23x28
basement with 9' ceilings. The size of the M30 would be nice, but if the HL5 is the sweet spot, as some suggest, I will make them work. Thanks,Mike

Showing 2 responses by pubul57

If you are seeking higher resolution with great musicality, I would try to audition a Merlin TSM. Otherwise, I vote for the HL5 as well.
Mike, that really is a matter is system integration, but bright electronics will sound bright on Merlins, they play what is fed them, I've never heard them sound bright with tube equipment. That is the plus and minus of highly resolving gear, no place to hide. I do love the sound of the Harbeth's I have heard, and they do appear to be more easily matched to a wide range of amplification compared with the Merlins. Which is better? I actualy like them both.