Happy New Year to Me, from OL to Triplanar

OK, I have the Triplanar Vll set up. My TT was already setup for the TP but I didn't like the way it looked on the TT while at rest. So instead of using TP's Pivot to spindle jig, I decided to set it up using the actual measurements from Pivot to spindle. It looked  just right to me. The arm ran parallel to the bottom plinth. I was happy with my progress. then I tried to set the null points only to find the arm would not go all the way to the end of the record. It was blocked by the VTA tower. OK, smart guy. Back to the jig. So that was a learning experience. But this is the 1st arm I have set up which had a VTA tower. But other than my own blunder,  this was the easiest arm/cartridge setup I had ever done with a tonearm.

But how does it compare with the Origin Live Illustrious 3? Well, it should sound better, considering its twice the price. And it does sound better in every parameter.here are the notes I wrote early on


  • Faster transients
  • More authority/weight
  • Better PRAT
  • Cleaner bass line
  • Louder
  • Harsh Midrange tamed / Smoother

The better PRAT was the biggest surprise. I thought the OL might beat it out on that  Though .I don't miss the OL,  I have great respect for it in that it would hold up as well as it did when compared to such a well respected  arm.

For those looking to point out the deficiencies of the TP arm and how another arm sounds better, I would just say this. There is always something better. I don't worry about what others have or if theirs is better than mine. My only concern is, "How does it sound to me?" So far it sounds  great. Now if I do decide to step up from the TP, recommendations will be gladly accepted. That said,  if you know of any tweaks which will help the TP, I welcome them too.


Showing 2 responses by tomic601

OK, sorry slow to get back w you. IMO  The CF armtube does not need damping w lLyra, This is based on two listening sessions w Lyra Atlas.  it does benefit my Delos on Aluminum. Paddle is about 25% in fluid. IF you have aluminum arm tube i advise a three step process. Listen with empty trough get sonic baseline, Remove the empty trough / paddle get sonic baseline. Reattach trough / paddle fill to various depths get sonic baseline. Revert to configuration that sounds best. As Ralph mentioned most users seem to use no damping and some go so far as to remove the trough. Jonathan Carr of Lyra suggested i use a ceramic spacer w lightweight Delos, i don’t think you need it w your cart but it does help bass in my system. Finally another J Carr mod is carefully heat shrink the fingerlift. I have the upgraded silver wiring. Lock down VTA tower. My TT comes w a very unique design clamp and platter so i won’t get into that. Your sandbox sink and mass loading good, as you know, mass alone not enuf. This all sounds fussy but i got thru it in a long afternoon. If you get to SoCal, stop by for a listen. Enjoy your gift !!! best to you


Good for you ! Excellent arm with a well deserved global reputation. Tri is excellent to work with. Unlike some,  I don’t make tweak modification recommendations for arms i haven't heard - did you change the armtube to Carbon Fiber when back at the factory ? i have the mk VII w aluminum internally damped armtube with a Delos on a Brinkmann. Ralph has a ton of expertise, you can count on him. My inputs can wait, as i have heard both armtubes. The ZYX mass would also be helpful. One more question, lovely TT does it have any isolation ?

Congrats a used Triplaner in decent shape is a thing of sonic beauty.
