Happy Holidays to ALL

I know that I have been MIA for a while, but the world is changing and I am trying to keep up.. PANT.... PANT.... PANT......

When I logged back onto this site, I felt -home- straight away.

Yeah, there is a ton of great information and ideas being shared here and lots of good stuff to buy and sell; but to me, that's not the REAL VALUE of AudioGon - It's the fellowship, the friendships, the commarade that is found here and outside (because of friendships established here).

I wanted to send out a shout to all my friends here and wish you all the VERY BEST. You mean a lot to me and this year, more than ever, I feel a need to make sure that people know that.

I propose to launch this thread - where we just get to "talk" about how the friendships and learnings made here and just feel good about that.

Angela aka AJ

Showing 1 response by tireguy

Welcome back! I have seen a few posts-from you- and it is weird here, however long you are gone, you are always welcomed back with open arms and it is as though you have never left. I think us audiophiles are the next step in human evolution, we are so kind to each other(my experiences at least), always willing to help each other and always looking for the best! Hope things have slowed down a little in your life, things happen(as they did to me towards the begining of August-read: car accident)but the crowd is always here to let you know what they think-even if you don't want to hear it!