Happy 60th Birthday, Bob Dylan

Well, today is a very important day in music. The 60th birthday of Bob Dylan. An American icon, if there ever was one. Some may hate him, but I sure fall on the other side of the fence. I find his songwriting to be without par, his style lengendary, and even find his voice wonderful. Can he really be 60? It can't be. He seems forever etched in so many of our minds as the very representation of youth. American youth. A product of the 60s, a baby boomer. Surely, he cannot be on the threshold of becoming a senior citizen. I have loved his music for so long. For most of my life. No matter how many times I hear it, there is a freshness, a newness that is always present. Always abundant. Timeless is the word I am probably groping for. Such a diverse and complex producer of song. His music was and is a direct reflection of that diversity and complexity. No matter what my mood, there seems to be a Bob Dylan song that fits it perfectly. Whether I am at my highest of highs, lowest of lows, or in the normalcy of lying in between. Please join me in wishing him the best of birthdays. And sharing in his celebration. Thank you, Bob. Have the happiest of birthdays. At 60 years old, you remain forever young.

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