“Hamilton” is a Rap masterpiece!

“I’m not throwing away my shot!”
Third time may be a charm.
Yes, true that much of Rap is strident and confrontational. Not mention the other negative elements.
But in my examination of many of the suggestions of people’s favorite Rap, I have indeed, discovered many pieces that are brilliant and fascinating. There is no denying that the musical value is extreme and undeniable.
A true art form developed over decades, there is much true innovation.
My personal taste leans heavily toward traditional song structure and, as such, prefers Rap with strong melodic elements. However, I understand the passion and creativity behind Rap based on a more rhythmic basis. Also true that the ever present anger is difficult to take but understandable. It is sad that there is so much.
But it is absolutely clear that “Hamilton” is a modern masterpiece of Rap. Brilliantly telling the story of this central figure in our founding. Engaging and gripping.
The last two Rap threads were shut down because members were frequently criticized for their opinions.
There is no question that Rap engenders much feeling. Can we agree to disagree?


Showing 2 responses by builder3

Gotta wonder about complaining of the "complete de-evolution of a once-great forum", while in the next breath complaining about the "incessant whine of Nazis" that post. Exaggerate much? Or are you that ignorant about who the Nazis really were?
Maybe some self-reflection is in order. Other people say things you don’t like. Get over it.
And if you want to see some good rap, Google Tom MacDonald.
Hydroxychloroquine was shown to be very effective. Trump mentioned it early on, so it must be bad.