Half-Speed Masters - are they worth double dipping?

I have pretty much read all that being said online, what is your personal experiences with half-speed mastered records. I see a growing trend in lot of re-issues now being sold with half-speed mastering.

The two records I am interested in are,

Ed Sheeran’s X -10 Anniversary and Police - 30th Anniversary Greatest Hits. 

One good thing is, they are reasonably priced and under $50 :-)


I need to recheck my half speed LPs, like CBS mastersound Pink floyd: Wish you were here and Joe Jackson Night and day (mofi). My comments are in the "yes, but..." direction. A mixed bunch. On the other hand, I have generally been very satisfied with 45 rpm LPs.

To your original question

in earlier days half speed mastering did have

some loss in the bass frequencies but now that can be 

manipulated by cutting from a digital file and modern mastering technology

i have the Police Greatest Hits your speaking of and it is very balanced and dynamic . It would be a great choice if your looking for an all in one type record

Good luck Willy-T



Save your money. Buy a nicely restored open RTR. Record your original vinyl. Your recording will sound better than the original album, because of a greater dynamic range with tape.

Record your original vinyl. Your recording will sound better than the original album, because of a greater dynamic range with tape.

The dynamic range of the tape recording can't possibly be greater than the LP from which the recording was made.

It is if you are near a radar tower while doing these R2R recordings. I love the R2R crowd. Yep the sound is fire. But every single other aspect is nerds. Unless you are in the music biz, these things are giant hassles. So many moving parts. Never again. But to all the R2R heads—keep fighting the good fight. I’m moving on to hires streaming and still loving my vinyl. I don’t love most modern 1/2 speed redos. Not worse, just not better for another $50. That said, always open to hear one that someone else thinks really shines, so I’ll monitor the thread like the music ones. I agree with the 45s rhetoric as well. Punchy. But not a ton pressed in 45 anymore. I tend to trust the original engineers so if they are involved I’ll take a look. Cool topic!