Half-Speed Masters - are they worth double dipping?

I have pretty much read all that being said online, what is your personal experiences with half-speed mastered records. I see a growing trend in lot of re-issues now being sold with half-speed mastering.

The two records I am interested in are,

Ed Sheeran’s X -10 Anniversary and Police - 30th Anniversary Greatest Hits. 

One good thing is, they are reasonably priced and under $50 :-)


Showing 1 response by sokogear

IME 45's always sound better than their 33 versions, all things being equal. They are not equal however. There is more care taken in the production of the 45s as they are more expensive and typically use better vinyl. my 45s are the best sounding records I own.

Unless you can't get up easily (my sympathies) movement is good. When I am listening during a long session especially, I can use the exercise. 

It is important to have a tru-lift or a cheaper imitation of it to lift the arm at the end of a record on a manual table, especially if you play a lot of 45's. For a vinyl only guy, it was huge. Can't think of having a manual table without it.