HagUSB vs Other USB Interfaces/Devices

Hi all. I have three quick questions regarding the HagUSB:
1. how does it compare to other USB interfaces, in particular those with true ASIO support (Edirol, M-Audio etc.)
2. does it provide bit perfect output (i.e. does ASIO4ALL provide bit-perfect output even though it still uses the OS)?
3. I currently have an Edirol UA-1EX which I used as both an interface and DAC (used it analog outs). I now got myself a DAC which has both optical and coax input. The Edirol is going to another PC so I want to get either one of those interfaces like the M-Audio Audiophile USB, but have read that the HagUSB is superior (even though it does not use true ASIO and only supports 16-bit). Is it a good "upgrade" to the UA-1EX?


Showing 2 responses by audioengr

Herman - Yes, even my USB DAC and converters will be detected by Windows and it will try to load the native Windows driver, but I recommend against this. The Windows driver is a bad sounding driver. Better to use the custom driver provided for that hardware (as for my Off-Ramps), use the drivers from http://www.usb-audio.com/ or at least use ASIO4ALL if the existing driver will not support ASIO.

The driver is the most important software part of getting a world-class sound, followed by ASIO and upsampler.