Had an epiphany, what would happen when all of you die?

This is not about analog directly or even music, I don't think there is another place in this planet with adepts like most of you are here in audiogon, what will happen when you all die? Raul, MC, Mijo, Lew, Erik, Atmasphere, (myself), even the one that shall not be named, even GK (how ya doing cupcake).
Will someone carry the torch? Would anyone care?Kind of sad to say see an age in audio technology (not only analog) pass by, really this post doesn't even make any sense, apologies in advance.

With all the craziness, and criticism,
If I would be alive 100 years from now I'll still miss audiogon and your contributions.
Thank you all for all the craziness

Showing 1 response by idigmusic64

Our kids will not know what to do with all the albums and CDs we have collected over the years, or even be able to turn on our systems mind you.

Think about when they actually have to try to disconnect all the cables and pack up everything in the original boxes that are still all up in the attic....it won’t be pretty.