Habituation to system changes: the Audiophiles' curse...

I've made a lot of great upgrades to my system in the past year and a half and it sounds much more engaging, quiet, pure, and detailed than it used to.  But a little while after making any of these changes, I forget what it sounded like before!  For a perfectionist hobby like this, what a curse!  Always chasing that next noticeable sonic improvement, despite the diminishing returns...  

Who else struggles with this?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

But a little while after making any of these changes, I forget what it sounded like before!
No problem- take them out and refresh your memory.  

So here's one for you. Every night when you listen to that last song, do you notice it sounds much better than the first? Every night when you first turn it on do you remember it sounds much worse than the last song the night before? So there, you can work on your memory without having to change a single thing.