
I’m new to the forum and wanted to get some guidance from the members. 

I have been making a slow walk from an audio enthusiast to an audiophile, and at somewhat of a loss in terms of how to proceed with improvements / tweaks to my system. My current system is:


Michi x3 integrated 

technics 1210 turntable with a Hana mh cartridge 

blue sound node as my music transport and dac

dynaudio contour 30 floor standing speakers 

Nordic purple flare speaker cables

all my interconnects are some version of audio quest rca cables

i have an isoacoustic zazen as base for my tt 

I have synergistic research mig sx for isolation under the michi

and isoacoustics gaia 2s under the speaker

i feel like my system sounds pretty good and I personally get multiple hours of listening from my system (almost daily)but I feel like I am missing some weight in mid frequencies and the sound can seem thin now and then.


I’ve had the system as is for a few years and I’m starting to wonder what else could I do to improve the soundstage and improve the weighty-ness coming from my current system. I know for a fact that I’m going to go either separates route or get a very good integrated amp (gryphon 333 or dartzeel or vitus sia 30) in a couple of years and really don’t want to monkey with the amp. Any suggestions in terms of what I could change without spending a lot of money now (since I’m saving for the dream build) to improve my systems.


any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by deep_333

Dyne audio lifestyle speaker designed for WAF (undersized cabinet, lackluster drivers, etc) isn’t the right speaker to address such deficiencies.

You could sell it and get

mofi 888 + rythmik f12g subwoofer


tekton epic 15 + tekton cinema sub (on the cheap)

If you have bigger pockets, there are other options as well.


But, before you sell or buy anything...fix your room (issues that contribute to thin weightless sound)

when you measure things, you will notice some dips/nulls in the 100 to 300hz range. Put 5 inch thick absorption panels (gik 244, for example) on ceiling right above you and to walls on either side of you, for starters. If you are set up on the long wall, you could either move your seat back/forth out of a lengthwise null a bit..or put thick absorption on wall behind you (not all over the place and suck the life out of your room, but, only behind, to either side and on ceiling... it is very simple physics pertaining to standing wave nullification). i would suggest acoustic fields acda because it is fine tuned for rate of absorption n all, get down to 30ish hz..., but, many of you guys would rather spend on cables than treatment. So, some cheap gik could also work, sorta.

A subwoofer can also be used to fix nulls at freq ranges within its range of operation, not above its range, hope that helps.

i feel like my system sounds pretty good and I personally get multiple hours of listening from my system (almost daily)but I feel like I am missing some weight in mid frequencies and the sound can seem thin now and then.