Gryphon Diablo 300 vs Vitus RI-101

   So I've been itching to upgrade my amp. I currently have: PS audio Directstream -> PS BHK preamp -> parasound JC1 -> Focal Sopra 2.
    I narrow down to these 2 candidates. Any one with experience with both int amps can comment on them?Thanks!!!

Showing 3 responses by swede58

 It does not respond much to source or cable changes.

?! My D300 responded very well to a better power cord.

I preferred the Diablo 300 over the Vitus RI101mkII, better looking too.

@thieliste Yes it is system dependent. Thiel speakers can sound a bit bright and aggressive with the ”wrong” amp.

Both Diablo 300 and Vitus 101mkII are great sounding amps….but perhaps not the best match with Thiel speakers.