Gryphon Diablo 300

On Gryphon's website under the description of the Diablo 300 there is a link to a downloadable operator's manual.  Diablo 300 manual v. 1_Diablo manual.qxd (  Page 13 of the Diablo 300 online operator's manual specifies unbalanced input #3 as being configurable to by-pass all preamplifier stages in the.
QUESTION: Can balanced inputs #1 and/or #2 also be configured to by-pass all preamplifier stages in the Diablo 300? Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by low325

Wow, didn't know that it could also be used as a power amp only, wonder if the Diablo 120 can be also.??

yeah it can.  I’ve done it on mine and went through the ‘blessing/reminder’ to set your preamp volume to low or stop any playback if you decide change back…sigh.

In my case, I couldn’t tell a difference between bypassing the preamp over using the XLR in from a Lumin X1.  To my ears the Gyphon volume attenuation is pretty good, compared to preamp/LeedH.  Ended up using XLR for the extra gain.  
Btw. Unity gain on a Diablo 120 is 42. Not sure if it’s the same with the 300.