Gryphon Diablo 120, Luxman L-590AXII, Other? For KEF R11

I have a MyTek Manhattan II and Parasound A21+ right now paired with my KEF R11’s.  Use the MyTek as preamp/DAC/streamer - considering replacing it and the Parasound with an integrated.  Have the opportunity to pick up the Gryphon or the Luxman for a good price -any thoughts on what may be a better match for the KEFs?  Any other suggestions for a good match in a similar price range? Thanks!


Thanks for the input.  I think the R11’s punch well above their weight, but do plan to upgrade at some point relatively soon.  In the meantime, looking to max their potential.


I would compare the 120 to the 509x rather than the 590 axii.

Both are very good and pretty close in quality. They differ  in presentation and the Luxman is cheaper.

But the 590 axii is very good too, it is a A class. That’s the one I am using to drive my Triangle Magellan.

Thanks, any thoughts on what would be a better fit?

My biggest concern with the Gryphon is the comment I’ve read that the top end is “dark”.  My KEFs already have a relaxed top end and so I am concerned with the synergy.  That being said, the Gryphon mids are described as lush and the bass described as being big and ballsy.  I would like to squeak better bass performance from the KEFs and a warmer or lusher mid might be good with the otherwise very neutral MyTek. Hard to tell if these pluses outweigh a potential big negative.

I know the Luxman has quality watts, and the KEFs aren’t real hard to drive, but impedance can drop below 4ohms, so I don’t know if the Luxman can provide the increased dynamics I’m looking for, especially in comparison to the Gryphon. Any thoughts?

The Gryphon’s top and is anything but dark. I don’t know how the Luxman sounds, but Gryphon’s are hard to beat. Having said that, they definitely have a character. Whether or not the character matches your preferences will only be determined by an auditor of that is an option.

I recommend keeping separates rather than diving into mid tier integrateds. Perhaps get into a reference level amp like a used parasound JC5 and then get a preamp later on. I get the feeling that the equipment you are looking at would be more of lateral move than a step up.