Gryphon Diablo 120

I’ve been running tube amps in my primary system in my living room for the past few years. When I first heard a tube amp, I was hooked, and thought they were going to be with me for life. 

However, a few months ago something shifted and I found myself not feeling engaged with the music in the same way. The music was feeling slow, distant, and lacking emotion. A voice inside told me to look into a solid state amp for a change of pace. 

I was fortunate to find a used (store demo) Gryphon Diablo 120, which arrived today. I’ve only been listening for a few hours, but over the moon happy with the sound of this integrated. It delivers a rich, detailed, nuanced and incredibly musical presentation. The sound stage is wide and engrossing. Imaging is wonderful too. I’ll continue to make observations over the next few days and report back. I think I might finally be close to getting off this audio equipment merry-go-around with this Gryphon integrated. 

For reference, I do also have a Luxman 590axii in my office and this Gryphon easily out performs it in my opinion. 

Other components in my system with the Gryphon Diablo 120: 

Innuous Zenith mkiii 
Merason DAC1 mki
Cardas Clear rca interconnect 


Speakers - QLN Prestige 3 

Power cables: 

Kimber Kable Palladian PK-10 connected to amp 
Lessloss connected to Dac 
Cardas clear connected to innuos 
Puritan 156 Conditioner with their Ultimate Cable 














I started investing in my audio system during COVID. In retrospect, I would have done even more research, but I’m happy where I’ve ended up. I’ve researched the coda amps and have been intrigued. From what I’ve read, it seems the coda 8 would be a good pairing. 

Which version of the coda 8 do you have? I know there are three versions with one being biased more towards class A, but then being having reduced watts in 8, 4 loads. 

Which version of the coda 8 do you have? I know there are three versions with one being biased more towards class A, but then being having reduced watts in 8, 4 loads. 

I have version 1 with 18 watts of class A, and 150/300 into 8/4 ohms. Based on the meters I don’t push any limits and my speakers are pretty demanding. 



Let me know when you finally get a pair in your house. I’d be interested to hear what you think.