Growing list of current modern artists

The "roaring" 20's again blast with great new music and my list of new artists that I hunt for records and other released media has grown almost as large as list of artist I've been listening to previously mostly dominating 80's music.

Does anyone feel that music in general is getting somewhat better than 10 years ago let's say?


Showing 1 response by czarivey

I’ve just realized that I have accumulated hundreds of modern artists on vinyl, CD and downloads and enjoy them as I would enjoy 80’s music. I grew up in 80-90’s, but I do not discriminate music by generations. If the artist good today, he gets my immediate attention and that’s how my shelf filled up with stuff released post 2015 and continues to fill-up and on the contrary if I find artist fairly unique from 60s-70s, the reaction is the same. I forgot the last time I’ve listened to Pink Floyd.