Grover Huffman power cable

Category: Cables

Well, I got a demo PC from Grover and compared it to a Virtual Dynamics David and a Shunyata Black Mamba on a BAT VK-D5SE CD Player.

The results were quit surprising for me. I had always thought Shunyata were prefered cords on digital front ends, but the Black Mamba was no match at all for the VD or the Grover. Both offered MUCH improved clarity throughout, from top to bottom. Significantly improving everything, especially voices.

The VD offered a bit more dynamic oomph and extended the bottom end a bit more. For example, drums sounded a bit more realistic. But, it also darkened the mids a bit more than I feel is real.

The Grover offered a clearer topend and mid. Gave an impressive increase to the sound stage, air around the instruments, and 3D imaging. Cymbals are sparkling crisp and voices are truly clear and realistic. The bottom is clear and focused, not as dynamic as the VD but does not color the sound the way the VD did either.

The Grover Huffman PC is a real winner and when compared to the cost of other PC's is an absolute steal!!!

Thus, I'm keeping the Grover demo and ordered a second PC from him.

Highly recommended for digital frontend.

Once I get the second, I will do a comparison on my pre

Showing 2 responses by danlib1

Schipo- If you can't hear any difference using various power cords then enjoy what you have. But you might want to allow for the possibility that some people hear differently than you. I am one of those people and I can clearly hear the impact some cords have- for better or worse.

I hope the poster enjoys his music a little more with the new cord.
Grateful- Right after this thread posted, Schipo posted a comment about you falling victim to the placebo affect. I immediately posted a response, and at nearly the same time Schipo deleted his comments. That in turn left my post waving in the wind. Sorry for the confusion.