Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Showing 6 responses by holmz

Getting there. I still have to make the silver cables to complete this project and take it for a spin. It's been very difficult to find the time to get this completed.

The insides of my boxes are like battery plates. I made a "square" and a "tall" unit. I have silver plated (presumably silver) connections and I also put an "output" jack as well. Copper sheet and aluminum sheet with a conductive media.



I suppose places like airplanes and the international space station (ISS) need to carry boxes of dirt in order to have a ground?


Talking with one of the locals in Ireland, the local lads after getting lubricated at the pub, used to go up and pee all over that stone. Of course, I was told after I'd kissed the damned thing myself.

The electrolytes improve the conductivity, so it grounds better ;)

(It also reminds we on the joke of Shamus and the other fellow, getting free drink in London.)

But it makes me wonder if I should have included some Tungsten to my DIY box(es)


If you listen to heavy metal, then… yes... It would likely help.

The reason I recommended the magnet mat at the bottom of the ingredients is to simulate the earth's natural magnetic pull.

There is already a magnetic field associated with the Earth..

What does the field do to help? How does that work?

What is the gravitational pull on an electron?

And magnets are not currently known to affect gravity.

Some of the crystals might be dielectrics like the quartz,
And I could imagine foil sheets with dielectrics starting to look like a capacitor tied to the ground… But it would be floating.