Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Showing 26 responses by ozzy


Thank you for that attachment. I am a member of that Forum. There is noise riding on the grounds within our system.

Signal, chassis etc. grounding is still a very unknown area at this point, at least to me, this needs to be investigated further.



Is there a USA version of the Russ Andrews Plug In RF Router?



Nice pictures. I still haven't been able to figure out how to post pictures. For now though, I have posted pictures on my systems page of my DIY grounding box.


Thanks for the replies. I'm not keen on adding an additional earth grounding rod. Mostly I fear that with a lightning strike there would be 2 paths to ground.

I also own a Sorcer X4 and the new I/O unit for usb and ethernet. Great equipment.


I would like to try the Andrews plug, but since I got hum when I tried a ground wire from an AC outlet to my grounding box, I'm not sure if the Andrews device would change that.

I am in the USA, and it would be a long return process.



I have 4 separate grounding boxes. One for my amps and subwoofers. One for my digital and 2 smaller ones for my speakers. They are all connected via the ground side on a rca/banana. None are connected directly to chassis or to ac ground.

So how would I use the Russ Andrews plug in device?




I am connecting only to the speaker banana/spades on my amps and the rca’s on my subs.

However, I do not think the Carver amps have a separate (3rd wire) ground on the AC line.



What is the difference between the Russ Andrews unit and just using the ground from the outlet?


Now I am again amazed what the Entreq grounding box does. I just added a Peak 4 to one of the Silver Tellus terminals. This device is a wooden knob, I guess hollowed out with some metals inside. (I think they claim there is 5 different metals). It just screws on in place of one of the wooden nuts that hold the cable in place.

Son of a gun, this little thing does add more detail. At first I thought it to be a bit too bright especially in the upper midrange/treble area but now a day later has emerged into the soundstage. What I am hearing is more detail throughout.

This sure amazes me since it is only signal grounding. What we don’t know about the crap in the ground connections that is left to discover?


I just tried connecting a ground wire from an outlet to my grounding box and I heard hum.


I recently purchased a Peak 4 made by Entreq. It screws on in place of the wooden lug holders on my Entreq Silver Tellus box. It is said to contain 5 different metals including Tungsten.

It does add clarity to the already great sound I have achieved. I can’t try it on my DIY version though due to the specific thread size.

But it makes me wonder if I should have included some Tungsten to my DIY box(es)


So I finally received the Russ Andrew Plug In Router. It was held up in customs for a week.

Anyway, I just connected it to chassis grounds, and then tried it to source grounding and finally to my Entreq box and DIY version.

At this point (about a few hours) I can say it does nothing.


So to those who care, I have now found that using the Russ Andres device with my Entreq box seems to be the way to go. I am liking the increased depth of the soundstage.

I am also running it to my Niagara 7000 to the AC ground only.



I have my Entreq Silver Tellus connected to the (source) RCA’s to my Lumin X1 and JL CR-1 Crossover. No preamp is used.

The Entreq then is also connected to my very large DIY ground box (pictures on my systems page) which also connects my subs and amps via banana’s

The Russ Andrews unit is connected to my:

  1. Niagara 7000 to a DIY AC plug (with just the ground connected).
  2. Connected to my Entreq via Banana
  3. Connected to my Lumin X1 chassis ground terminal on the separate power supply.

My speakers are connected to a couple of my DIY ground box(s) for speakers.


Yesterday, I disconnected the Russ Andrews unit from the Entreq. I feel the music sounds better with the Russ Andrews unit connected to just my chassis ground. ie; Lumin X1 ground terminal and the AC ground into my Niagara 7000.



Is the Gutwire just a wire connected to a AC ground? Or is there something else going on inside the cable?




Ok, I would call that signal grounding. I have mine routed to my Entreq/DIY units.

I am using the Russ Andrews device to the chassis of my Lumin X1 power supply and the chassis of my JL CR-1 crossover.

But whatever way improves the sound...



The reason I recommended the magnet mat at the bottom of the ingredients is to simulate the earth's natural magnetic pull.

I suppose if you are unsure, you can try it on the outside bottom of the box.


Within my DIY ground box, I also add many other ores that possess metallic properties. My theory is that the magnetic mat will add the gravitational pull.

It is just my idea, it may or may not provide additional benefits, that’s why I suggested adding it to the exterior bottom of the box.
