Groove Note Records- Loud Hum on LP

Has anyone heard a hum from Groove Note Records LP?

I have two titles: 
1. Jacintha - Autumn Leaves
2. Jacintha - Jacintha is her name

Awesome records. Especially Autum Leaves.
I bought Autumn Leaves a few weeks ago and just got around to playing it. When I played it I heard a constant hum from the speakers, but its hot a 60Hz hum that you would hear from a ground loop. The frequency is higher than that. I changed the record and listened to other records and I did not gear that hum. I put back Autumm Leaves and I hear the hum on all tracks. I got curious and pulled out my other Jacintha title and to my surprise I heard the same hum. I have a VPI Classic Signature with Ortofon cartridge and my rig is setup correctly. And both Records are brand new.

I already ordered the limited production of Autumn Leaves from, but if I had heard the hum before I would have waited and ask about the humming on these records.

Does anyone else have this experience?