Not trying to rain on anyone’s joy — if you have and love your Grimm mu2, ignore this post — but I’d caution folks to try before you buy, notwithstanding the very good reviews. It’s easy to home audition this piece bc it’s light and easy to ship.
I had a fully broken in unit for a couple weeks and man was it underwhelming. It sounded nice, in a bad way. Very neutral and polite. Non fatiguing to the point of being a sedative. Not musically involving imho. YMMV.
The most honest review out there is from Hifi Advice, if you read between the lines. Not coincidentally, that reviewer has much more extensive truly high end digital experience than most reviewers out there.
At this price point (quite a bit lower in the case of the Meitner) I would take the newest Meitner MA3i or the playback designs mpd6 with volume control, no doubt about it.