Greatest rhythm sections

The rhythm section in a jazz, blues or rock band provides the foundation and motive force for the entire ensemble. The truly great ones not only establish the band's sonic signature, they can generate new styles. Which rhythm sections do you think have been the most influential in their respective genres, and, or changed the way you listened to music? Please try to limit your selections to groups and not individual musicians as it the ensemble sound I'd like to get your comments on.

Showing 4 responses by harold-not-the-barrel

"Gosh, Mejames, guess the thread's over."  

Wrong. It has barely started.

matscticman knows something here, Geezer Butler & Bill Ward.
I give Tim Bogert & Carmine Appice  and...

Black Sabbath the first true heavy metal band. Fantastic music.
From England. Those white lads created something different. All great musicians.
So were Uriah Heep, the finest in Heavy Metal.
Paul Newton w/ Ollie Olsson/ Keith Baker/Iain Clark, also Gary Thain w/ Lee Kerslake

Gary Thain the most melodic and fluid bass player in Rock.
Thanks for the Music. RIP

^ Interesting as usually the Castle reissues have been too edgy almost harsh IME. I have never heard that twenty year old Castle, though. Additionally, Uriah Heep´s "Look at Yourself" UK Castle 1986 RI on vinyl has a terrific audio quality, especially dynamics, very near the original UK Bronze ILPS edition from 1971. All other Heep Castle reissue vinyls have worse audio quality IME.
Early Santana
Mark Clarke & Jon Hiseman
Iain Clark + Osibisa´s percussionists on "Look at Yourself", 1971
Mike Rutherford & Phil Collins
Greg Lake & Carl Palmer
Chris Squire & William Bruford
John Wetton & William Bruford
John Wetton & Carl Palmer
Stanley Clarke & Lenny White
Rick Laird & Billy Cobham
Chris Glen & Ted McKenna
Geddy Lee & Neil Peart
Jack Bruce & Corky Laing
Jack Bruce & Simon Phillips
Tiziano Ricci & Pierluigi Calderoni