Great vintage MM cartridge for my Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck/Spacearm. Recommendations?

Currently have Goldring 1042. It is good but I might want to go higher. VAC Avatar SE tube integrated with onboard MM phono stage. I have no plans to upgrade it soon and go with a separate tube phono.

If not vintage, do you think that Nagaoka MP500 and the least expensive Audio Note would give a significant improvement ?

I am talking about $1000 cartridge, new or used.

What are your thoughts ?



Showing 1 response by kennyc

Unless you are targeting a specific vintage sound, it’s likely best to avoid vintage cartridges as modern cartridges usually perform better.

Assuming @dover’s comment is correct, then it seems a choice between a better similar sonics with the AN or a different but great presentation with the 500.  I favor variety so would choose the 500, then have fun alternating between both carts.